Well we certainly have not been up to nothing!
In Grade 8, we have started our whole group novel study on... *drum roll please* THE OUTSIDERS!
So far we have read up to chapter 3.
In Grade 7, we have started our whole group novel study on... *drum roll please* THE GIVER!
So far we have read up to chapter 4.
We have a unique structure to our whole group novel studies and here it is...
First, I read one chapter at a time, out loud to the students. They follow along and we have mini discussions throughout and after. I model many CAFE reading strategies for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding Vocabulary.
Then the students work in partners on their task for each particular chapter. Each group works on a different task! All of the tasks are guided towards different multiple intelligence's and have proven to be super engaging. When I tell the students which task they get for each chapter, there are often many cheers for which task they get!!! Who would have thought ?!
The students have only 1 class to complete each task.
The following day we do a BOOK TALK! Each group presents what they worked on for that chapter and have many interesting conversations that relate to what we have read and the work we have done.
All of the work that is able to be posted onto the bulletin board, gets posted for an amazing visual!!!
Check them out:
Overall, I am super proud of each class as the work that they are submitting is of great quality, they are working excellently with their partners and we are really having fun everyday!