March Student Voices Writing

This month after wrapping up our whole group novel study The Outsiders, the students were tasked with thinking about their legacy. Similar to Ponyboy's theme in The Outsiders, the students were to write about their experiences at Van Walleghem School, how they want to be remembered by their peers, friends and teachers. Additionally, they were to reflect on their future aspirations.

As a teacher, reading about how students want to be remembered and what future aspirations they have and having to select only two students to be published in our school's newsletter was next to impossible. It was extremely challenging reading such wonderful writing pieces and not rewarding every student with their work being published!

This month, I decided to take excerpts from many students' writing to showcase in the April Newsletter.

Please enjoy the many wonderful quotes from my amazing writers in 8V and 8W.

"In the past week we have been finishing our book study, The Outsiders. In the ending of S.E Hinton's amazing book, it ended with Ponyboy writing a theme for a English paper. He wrote the theme about him and his friend’s legacy. Soon, me and a bunch of other students will be leaving Van Walleghem and this made me think about my legacy, my aspirations in life and how I want to be remembered." – Kaitlyn J. 8W

"Have you ever thought about how people view you as an individual? Whether it is for the greatness you have achieved or the grotesque you have succumbed. Everybody has a legacy, their own stories, and experiences. Funny as it seems, the same situation is brought upon the Grade 8 students at École Van Walleghem School. At the end of June, the Grade 8 students will be heading for Grade 9, graduating and going their own ways to different high schools. As they move onto high school, they leave their own legacies, stories, and experiences at VW." - Leanne K. 8W

"Truth is, it's not how I'll be remembered, but on how I'll remember Van Walleghem and all the great teachers I've had. Through the years, I had a mix of fun and hard times in VW… the hard times being always “subject” related, but mostly, I'll remember how Van Walleghem School welcomed me right from the start and the impact it has had on me growing up." - Josh K. 8V

"People want to be remembered for doing things that are unimaginable, spectacular, and all around marvelous. But I just want to go about in life being me, and not going out of my way so I can please other people that I don’t even know." - Tatyana B. 8W

"I want to live my life to the fullest and I want people to remember me. You never know when the world would stop, but I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up. Maybe there’s only a dark road up ahead. The world is not a wish granting factory, but you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit.”- Hannah K. 8V

“I would want my future to be how I hoped it would be, but over time I know that my goals would change but one thing that I would always want for the future is to be someone who is worth remembering.” Alice B. 8W

"As I am leaving Van Walleghem, I want to be remembered as a student that likes to fool around but is still a good student that was friends with mostly everyone. Even though I know I'm not a “perfect student” I would still like to be remembered as at least a good student." - Fabien E. 8 W.

"I've always been taught by my parents to be a leader and a role model for younger students, being kind and respectful, therefore it would be very meaningful for myself that when I leave Van Walleghem School I will be known as a role model or a leader for others." - Teague M. 8V

"In the future, I aspire to be happy, to be content with my life, to be able to smile even on the darkest days. Yes, I am happy with the life I have now, but I want to do so many things, completing everything off my bucket list. I want to live my life without stress, I don’t care if I’m rich or famous, and I just want to be happy." - Crystena D. 8V

“Being kind is also very important. If you are kind to other people then they will be kind back to you as well as other people. Amelia Earhart said that "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees." – Luke M 8V

“I believe that my closer friends will remember me as someone that could make them laugh and brighten their day, yet awkward at times, isolated, uncoordinated, a bit goofy, and even arrogant at times. But that the end of the day those that did get to know me and weren't scared off by my largely unique personality whilst attending VW and will remember me as an honest, kind, and funny friend to hang around with.” – Bryden N. 8V

 “I think Van Walleghem is a good school. I have a lot of good memory at this school, so the school's best memories will remain with me and the teacher and friends too. I will continue to think so.” – Yeji L. 8V

“I want my teachers to remember me as a talented student capable of many things if she believes she could do it.” – Moira S. 8W

 “I would like to be remembered for being that kind of person. I’ll try hard to smile at students in younger grades, even if I do not know them, because I know a smile can go a long way.” – Hilary R. 8V

“The following is an excerpt from “A Shot in the Dark”, the biography of Emma M, with kind permission from Penguin Classics © 2030. People’s personalities are often shaped during their years at school. To learn about Emma’s life, we travelled back to her middle school, École Van Walleghem School. When asked about Emma’s recent accomplishment, Ms. Valcourt said she would expect nothing less from her. “If anyone could lead a team of doctors and researchers to Africa, it would be Emma. Frankly, I am not surprised she was able to eradicate polio from Africa with her strength, leadership, and determination.” If there was one piece of advice Emma could give to present and future Van Walleghem students, it is, ”Just do what you love. Whatever your heart tells you to do, no matter how impossible or ridiculous you think it is, will ultimately help you find your way in life.” – Emma M 8W

“I want to be able to look back at my life and be able to say that I did everything that I wanted to do and that I had a happy, fun, exciting and great life.” Tamir M. 8W

“So, where does that leave me…Well, I think I might try to be not only better as a dancer, but as a person. I will be more kind to people who want to see me perform. Who knows, maybe I might up on a big dance competition in the future.” – Matthew R. 8W